Training of search and rescue dogs

Enjoying the work and having a strong set of nerves are required to become a lifesaver.

Why our dogs are among the best in the world

Our training grounds

Upcoming courses and tests


National IRO MRT Area Search (CO)

28.03.  -  30.03.2025



Testing Events

IRO Testing Event (ES)

29.03.  -  30.03.2025



Testing Events

IRO Testing Event (AT)

04.04.  -  06.04.2025



Deployment of search and rescue dogs

Search and rescue dog work is a challenging and responsible task for both humans and dogs.

Search and rescue specialties


The dog follows the scent on the ground left by the missing person’s footprints.

Area Search

The canine follows up the airborne human scent to the lost person, through rough terrains or forests.

Rubble Search

Collapsed buildings are searched by the dog in­dependently for buried victims, for ex­am­ple after earth­quakes or gas ex­plo­sions.

Avalanche Search

The search and rescue dog scans the ava­lanche field for human scent traces under the masses of snow.

Water Rescue

Acting as a helper to its handler, the swim­ming pup pulls people in distress ashore.


The dog smells a scent article (e.g. t-shirt) of the missing person and then precisely follows the individual trail.

Recent missions

Tunnel collapse in Thailand

Search and rescue dog teams supported the search for three missing workers.


Brix finds missing woman

Thanks to the male Malinois, the search for a missing elderly woman comes to a successful conclusion after 48 hours.


Deployment after historic flood

Search dogs have been looking for survivors under mud and rubble in southern Brazil since the end of April.


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