Who we are, what we do
A worldwide network of dedicated search and rescue dog teams who help people in need.
The International Search and Rescue Dog Organisation is a non-profit organisation ensuring uniform global quality standards in the training of search and rescue dogs.
We represent more than 130 member organisations worldwide and are a partner of the UN organisation INSARAG (International Search and Rescue Advisory Group). In close cooperation with our members, we prepare both canine and handler for the demands of a search and rescue team’s mission.
Together we help save lives.
Our work is characterised by mutual appreciation, responsibility and solidarity.
Alois Balog, President of the International Search and Rescue Dog Organisation
Setting standards. Saving lives. Since 1993.
For more than 30 years we have been an integral part of the search and rescue dog world. A devastating earthquake in Armenia in 1988 initiated the foundation of the organisation. The severity of the natural disaster emphasised the need to strengthen international cooperation and professionalise search and rescue dog work. A small group of renowned search and rescue dog organisations took the initiative to establish a global network and founded the International Search and Rescue Dog Organisation in 1993.

The team behind the teams
Our staff and numerous volunteers shape everything we do with their commitment.
To ensure the constant development of our organisation, the management of our members and the excellence of our search and rescue dog teams, it takes a strong team. We are proud to have such a team. Both our Executive Board and our international panel of experts, consisting of trainers, judges and classifiers, work on a voluntary basis.
Executive Board
Alois Balog

Alois has more than 40 years of experience as a dog handler and shares his knowledge as an IRO Classifier and Lead Trainer. Since the early days of the IRO, it has always been his intention to promote the worldwide awareness and recognition of the organisation.
By taking over the position as President in September 2020, he can now contribute his extensive know-how in the management of large organisations and actively participate in the further development of the International Search and Rescue Dog Organisation.
Claudio Bötschi
1st Vice President

Claudio is a mission certified dog handler and started working with search dogs in 2006. Before that, he had already gained more than 25 years of operational experience in the fire service. As an entrepreneur, he knows the significance of an international environment.
Hence, it is particularly important for him to further strengthen the global IRO network to continue setting worldwide standards in the training of search and rescue dogs, together with the member organisations.
Ida Bårris
2nd Vice President

Ida is a mission certified dog handler and president of the Danish search and rescue dog organisation Redningshunden Danmark (RDA). She passes on her knowledge in the training of search and rescue dogs as an IRO Trainer. Both her expertise and her commitment to imparting knowledge also come into play in the organisation of IRO Events such as testing events and mission readiness tests.
Currently, the focus of her work lies on the support of our member organisations.
Jerneja Ternovec
Spokesperson for Training & Judges

Jerneja has been an active dog handler for over 25 years. She passed the IRO Mission Readiness Test with one of her Labradors and successfully participated in the World Championship for Search and Rescue Dogs. She is an IRO Judge and Classifier and sets standards in the training of judges and trainers, for instance through her involvement in the development of the International Trial Rules IPO-R 2019.
She is committed to keeping the standard in search and rescue dog training high with innovative training formats and a wide range of testing events.
Alexander Hönel
Spokesperson for Deployment

Alexander has been involved in search and rescue dog work for 15 years, as a dog handler with the Austrian Red Cross, a vet and as a lieutenant colonel in the militia of the Austrian Armed Forces.
Continuous exchange with members and experts in the search and rescue dog field is important to him to ensure a progressive development of the International Search and Rescue Dog Organisation. The guiding principle "Setting standards. Saving lives." is his driving force.
Nicola Puchelt
Spokesperson for Marketing & PR

Nicola is completing her training as a search and rescue dog team with her dog Luca. She enjoys her work and the thought of saving lives together with her team colleagues is hugely motivating.
She is keen to raise public awareness of the work done by the International Search and Rescue Dog Organisation. With her many years of sales & marketing experience and the support of the member organisations, Nicola wants to lend a voice to search and rescue dog work.
Charlotte Kranz
Spokesperson for Finance

Charlotte is a respected IRO Judge with operational experience both nationally and internationally. She has been responsible for the finances of the International Search and Rescue Dog Organisation for several years.
For her, the constant development of fundraising and ensuring competent donor care are of particular importance. She fulfils her role with great commitment making a valuable contribution to securing a healthy and stable basis for the non-profit organisation.
Dušan Weber
Deputy Spokesperson for Deployment
Monja Raich
Deputy Spokesperson for Finance
Hidehiro Murase
Julio Velázquez Rodríguez
Office team
Kathrin Schiestl
Management & Office Administration

Kathrin is a true organisational talent and always stays on top of things. The fascinating part about her is her versatility. No matter what question arises, Kathrin certainly knows the answer.
She is the one who pulls all the strings in the office. She takes care of the administration of donations and ensures the accuracy of the bookkeeping. Furthermore, she manages the processes around classification and allocation of funding. Her active support can also be counted on at IRO Events.
Belinda Simon
Donor care

Belinda takes care of our supporters in a charming and competent way. She has great interpersonal skills and shows empathy in contact with our supporters. She handles all requests with heart, dedication, and a good portion of humour.
Furthermore, she is responsible for the travel bookings of the extended IRO Team to official events worldwide. As an archaeologist, she also knows many exciting facts about the history of the dog.
Ingrid Meikl
Department for Training & Judges

Ingrid is responsible for the organisation of tests, courses and the IRO World Championship for Search and Rescue Dogs, working closely with the organising member organisations. She also takes care of the coordination and allocation of IRO Judges as well as Trainers and is prepared to help with training questions.
A project close to Ingrid's heart is working with aspiring assistance dogs. As a host family, she gives the young dogs a loving home and gets them used to everyday situations.
Claudia Kammerer
Department for Deployment

Claudia organises events such as the IRO Mission Readiness Test, manages membership applications and contributes to the ongoing development of the Deployment Department. She is also involved in fundraising and the creation of new ideas and strategies.
With her outgoing nature and infectious laugh, Claudia always puts everyone in a good mood. She enjoys the exchange with people from the global IRO network, which provides her with inspiration, impulses and exciting insights.
Daniela Rupp
Department for Marketing & PR

Daniela is responsible for all our marketing and communication activities. More than ten years of experience in international marketing and strategic project management make her an absolute marketing all-rounder.
She is curious and always interested in new things - be it exciting stories from the search and rescue dog world or current marketing trends. Her passion for texting is reflected in all our publications, press releases and mailings.
Amira Simon
Team assistant

Amira graduated from high school in June 2023 and instead of going straight to university, she decided to spend some time on the job and help us wherever needed. However, she primarily supports the two departments Training and Deployment.
Just as diverse as her daily work is Amira's passion - athletics. As a professional athlete, she trains almost daily and takes part in competitions on a regular basis. Amira is an absolute enrichment for our team.

133 search and rescue dog organisations from 41 countries under one umbrella.
Since our foundation, the number of member organisations has grown steadily. Across four continents, we connect institutions of different sizes, from small associations to government-led organisations.
Through testing events, mission readiness tests and competitions, we support member organisations in the training and further education of search and rescue dog teams according to international standards. Furthermore, it is important to us to promote knowledge exchange and dialogue with experts on a regular basis.
Our shared vision - saving lives - makes us a strong global network.
As an organisation, how can I join?
Simply complete the application and we will review the possibility of membership.
Our global network
- @fire
@fire – Internationaler Katastrophenschutz Deutschland e.V. - A.R.C.U.S.
Associazione Regionale Cani Utilità Sardegna - ACCK9T
Associazione Culturale Cinofila K9T - ACECC
Asociación Civil Escuela Canina de Catástrofe - AEA
Ayuda en Emergencias Anaga - AG Mantrailing
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Mantrailing – Rettungshundestaffel und Therapiehundezentrum - AIUT Appennin
Aiutappennin Emilia Romagna Ricerca e Soccorso - AKKD
Arama Kurtarma Köpekleri Derneği - AKUT
AKUT Arama Kurtarma Derneği - ANGPS
Asociación Nacional de Grupos del Perro de Salvamento - ANPS Torino
Associazione Nazionale Polizia di Stato Sezione di Torino - ASAR K9
Australian Search and Rescue K9 - ASB LV Berlin
Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Landesverband Berlin e.V. - AUS-1 DART
Australian Disaster Assistance Response Team (Queensland) - AWDSA
Asia Working Dog Support Association - BRH
BRH Bundesverband Rettungshunde e.V. - CASDDA
Canadian Search and Disaster Dogs Association - CAST
Canine Alert Search Teams - CBMSC
Corpo de Bombeiros Militar de Santa Catarina - CNEC
Centrul National de Educare Canina - CNPR
Comite Nacional de Perros de Rescate - CRM
Cruz Roja Mexicana - CSP France
Cynotechnie Sapeurs Pompiers France - CaniFit
CaniFit Partner Mensch und Hund e.V. - DRPB
Društvo za reševalne pse Burja - DRPNG
Društvo reševalnih psov Nova Gorica - DRS KZB BB
Dog Rescue Slovakia-Kynologická záchranárska brigáda - DRV
Deutscher Rettungshundeverein e.V. - DVG
Deutscher Verband für Gebrauchshundsportvereine e.V. - DVRPS
Društvo vodnikov reševalnih psov Slovenije - EOKK
Eesti Otsingukoerte Klubi - EPKÜ
Eesti Päästekoerte Ühing - ERPS
Društvo enota reševalnih psov Slovenije - EVRPL
Društvo enota vodnikov reševalnih psov Ljubljana - FGR
Fundación para la Gestión del Riesgo - FKI
Fövárosi Katasztrófavedelmi Igazagatóság - FRF K9
Finn Rescue K9 Association - FW-RH
Feuerwehr Wien Rettungshunde - Fúndacion K9 B&R
Fundación K9 Búsqueda y Rescate - G.P.S.E.
Grupo del Perro de Salvamento de Euskadi - HGSS
Hrvatska gorska služba spašavanja - HRT
Hellenic Rescue Team - HSF
Hundesport Frutigland - HUOPP
Hrvatska Udruga za Obuku Potražnih Pasa - ICRR SESU
Interregional Center of Rapid Response State Emergency Service of Ukraine - JUH / RH
Die Johanniter Unfallhilfe / Rettungshundegruppe - K-9 Uruguay
Grupo de Operaciones K-9 - K-SAR Chile
K-SAR Chile - K9R
K9 Rescue CZ - KKCRD
Korean Kennel Club Rescue Dog - KOSSP
Klub za Obuku Sportskih I Službenih Pasa Zagreb - KSAR Argentina
KSAR Argentina - KSBU
Kinologen Samariter Bund der Ukraine - KTR
K-Team Rescue Dog - KVRPK
Klub vodnikov reševalnih psov Kranj - KVRP Postojna
Klub vodnikov reševalnih psov Postojna - KZJ ČR
Kynologická záchranná jednotka České republiky, z.s. - KÉA
Kutyákkal az Életért Alapítvány - LVHS
Lawinen- und Vermisstensuchhundestaffel Salzburg - MAK
Mancs a Kézben Egyesület - NCS Fidenza
Nucleo Cinofilo da Soccorso di Fidenza - NMKE
Nyíregyházi Mentőkutyás Egyesület - NRH
Norske Redningshunder - NRHB
Nederlandse Reddingshondenbond - NRHQ 119
National 119 Rescue Headquarters - NRO
Norsk Redningshund Organisasjon - OPDES
Organization for Promotion of Dog Education and Socialization - PCAgs – Lobos BYRA
Civil Protection of Aguascalientes, Canine Unit - PMA
Pest Megyei Kutató-Mentő Szolgálat - PMKE
Pécsi Mentőkutyás Egyesület - PMPBR-UNAM
Programa de Manejadores de Perros de Búsqueda y Rescate UNAM - RDA
Redningshunden-Danmark - RDTA
Rescue Dog Trainers' Association - REDOG
REDOG - Schweizerischer Verein für Such- und Rettungshunde - REPS
Društvo za reševalne pse Maribor - RHFW
Rettungshundestaffel Freiwillige Feuerwehr Wiesbaden-Stadtmitte - RHG Solferino
Reddingshondengroep Solferino - RHS Isar e.V.
Rettungshundestaffel Isar e.V. - RHV ZON
Reddingshondenvereniging Zuid Oost Nederland - RHVÖ
Rettungshunde Verband Österreich - RHWP
Reddingshonden Werkgroep de Polderspeurders - RHZ-T
Rettungshundezug Thüringen e.V. - RKF
Russian Kynological Federation - RTS
Rescuedogs Team Switzerland - RUOR
Russian Union of Rescuers - S.O.S. MKE
S.O.S. Mentökutyás Egyesület - S.PA.SSO
Scuola Padovana Cani da Soccorso - SARC-SA
Search and Rescue Canines-SA Inc. - SARDA
Search and Rescue Dog Association Slovakia - SARDA IN
Search and Rescue Dog Association Ireland North - SAR Dogs Malaysia
Search and Rescue Dogs Malaysia - SAR Team Otklik
St. Petersburg Regional NGO 'Search and Rescue Team Otklik' - SAUSARTF
South Australian Urban Search and Rescue Taskforce - SBK
Svenska Brukshundklubben - SCDF
Singapore Civil Defence Force - SDP
Steel Dogs Padova o.V. - SDSF
Swiss Dog Sports Federation - SFS
Komenda Główna Państwowej Straży Pożarnej - SIN
Stichting Inzet Reddingshond Nederland - SIRIUS
Sirius, z.s. - SKJ ZKZ SR
Slovenská Kynologická Jednota, Združenie Kynológov Záchranárov Slovenskej Republiky - SMF Schweiz
Verein Schweizerischer Militärhundeführer - SPCDRC
Scuola Provinciale Cani da Ricerca e Catastrofe Trento - SPKL
Suomen Palveluskoiraliitto - STORAT
Stowarzyszenie Cywilnych Zespołów Ratowniczych z Psami - SV
Verein für Deutsche Schäferhunde e.V. - SVÖ
Österreichischer Verein für Deutsche Schäferhunde - SZBK ČR
Svaz záchranných brigád kynologů ČR - Signi Zoekhonden
Stichting Signi Zoekhonden - TFSRD
Taiwan Fire Service Rescue Dog Unit - TSSRT
Taiwan Special Search and Rescue Team - TVSD
Thai Volunteer Search & Rescue Dog Association - Team J9
Team J9 International Disaster Search and Rescue Canine Team - Thai RDA
Thailand Rescue Dog Association - U.C.S. La Piota
Unita’ Cinofile da Soccorso La Piota - UCR España
Unidad Canina de Rescate España - UFSD
Ukrainian Federation of Sport with Dogs - UKISAR
UK International Search and Rescue - USCA
United Schutzhund Clubs of America - VISDDAC
Vancouver Island Search and Disaster Dogs Association Canada - VPR
Veille et Protège Rescue - VVDH
Vlaamse Vereniging voor Duitse Herdershonden - VZGZ
Vatrogasna zajednica Grada Zagreba - VzFdRH
Verein zur Förderung des Rettungshundewesens e.V. - WIR NED
Werk-Inzetorganisatie Reddingshonden Nederland - XRD
X-PLORER Rescue Dog - ZBK JmK ČR
Záchranná brigáda kynologů JmK ČR - ÖGV
Österreichischer Gebrauchshundesport Verband - ÖHWR
Österreichische Hundewasserrettung - ÖRV
Österreichischer Rassehundeverein - ÖSHS
Die Österreichische Suchhundestaffel - ÖVD
Österreichischer Verein der Diensthundeführer