Your support helps save lives

Search and rescue dogs locate victims buried in and under the snow, track down lost hikers or search large areas of rubble piles.

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Achieving more together

Become our partner and ensure the education and deployment of canine lifesavers worldwide.

Our partners

City of Salzburg

The Department for Culture, Education and Knowledge of the City of Salzburg has sup­ported us with an an­nual grant since 2019.


Together with the UN organisation INSARAG, we are pursuing the goal of standardising inter­national disaster response.


Our cooperation with the FCI focuses on the definition of a testing standard for search and rescue dogs.


Equipping our worldwide dog handlers with high-quality operational gear is our common interest.


The company Dogsworld supports us with equipment for our training facility and takes care of its maintenance.

HRDD International

Together with HRDD International, we are increasing efficiency in the rescue and recovery of casualties.

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