Brix finds missing woman

A nursing home resident has been missing in the German town of Kyritz since Wednesday evening, 7 August. The 67-year-old had set off for her usual walk in the afternoon. When she did not return from her stroll, the care home alerted the police in the evening.

After the police search was unsuccessful despite the use of a helicopter and drone, the BRH Rettungshundestaffel Brandenburg e.V. was alerted on Friday. Nine rescue teams and three search and rescue dogs were deployed. Among them was the six-year-old Malinois Brix with search and rescue dog handler Ines Rosenblatt. Following a short briefing, the search dog teams began to systematically search the surrounding area, starting from the last location of the missing person.

Within ten minutes, Brix made a find. His nose led him to a bush where the missing woman had presumably landed after a fall. She was unable to get up on her own and lay unnoticed in the bushes for almost two days. It was with great relief that she first heard the rustling of leaves and then a panting sound on Friday noon. Search and rescue dog Brix was equally happy to have found the missing lady. He excitedly indicated the find to his handler Ines. The 67-year-old was then taken to hospital by ambulance for examination. 

Frank Rosenblatt, platoon leader of the BRH Rettungshundestaffel Brandenburg e.V., is relieved about the happy ending of the mission: "Without our search and rescue dogs, the lady would have remained unnoticed in the bushes for a long time. Once again, we were able to save lives thanks to our dogs."

We congratulate Brix and the entire team of the BRH Rettungshundestaffel Brandenburg e.V. on the successful search. 

This mission clearly shows that professionally trained search and rescue dogs are a step ahead of modern technology when it comes to saving human lives.

Photos: Frank Rosenblatt