What your donation can do
From 25 € for a search and rescue dog safety vest to 50 € for a monthly dog food supply, 100 € for vet consultations to 250 € for a training course that allows a canine lifesaver to strengthen its skills - every gift is essential to ensuring that our teams maintain mission readiness at all times.
Here are five good reasons why supporting our organisation is worthwhile:
Ready to respond 24/7, 365 days a year
Being prepared can mean the difference between life and death. Our international search and rescue dog teams are ready at any moment should disaster strike.
Trusting human-dog relationships
Positive reinforcement, praise, play, and reward are paramount in our work with the dogs. By working as a team, humans and dogs form an extraordinary bond that will one day save lives.
Top trained search and rescue dog teams
Through various trainings, operational exercises and tests, we ensure that dogs and handlers around the world are prepared in the best possible way for the demands of a mission.
Cross-border cooperation
In addition to around 2,000 national deployments per year, the mission-certified teams of our member organisations also provide international assistance in the search for missing persons - after earthquakes and other disasters.
30 years of charitable action
Since 1993, we have been committed to ensuring uniform global quality standards in the training of search and rescue dogs. Our vision has remained the same until today: To save lives with the help of dogs.
Join our community of regular givers or make a one-off donation today. Even a small donation can make a big difference.
Photos: Thai RDA