The IRO Trainers' pool continues to grow
From 11 to 16 September 2020 the Module II of the national IRO Trainer programme took place in Gmunden/Regau, Austria. From Friday to Sunday the candidate trainers received theoretical and practical instructions in the Area Search. Besides the barking display, the topics “Bringseln” and free references were taught. A further focus was set on obedience and dexterity.
Out of 15 participants, ten passed the examination for the national IRO Trainer:
Claudio Bötschi (CH)
Annette Köhler (DE)
Denis Laus (FR)
Matthias Leinich (AT)
Borut Modic (SI)
Silvia Pixner (AT)
Alarico Sberlati (IT)
Marco Schmitt (AT)
Julia Welz (DE)
Simon Willfort (AT)
We congratulate all new national IRO Trainers and thank the SVÖ Gmunden-Regau (OG 009) for the wonderful support in the organisation and realisation of the event.